Sunday, May 31, 2015

EX-MÊKH @ Platforms Project Art-Athina 2015

Curated by Artemis Potamianou
design poster Ben Faydherbe

The Platforms Project @ Art Athina was started in 2013 with the aim of charting the artistic actions produced by collective initiatives of artists who decide to join forces in seeking solutions to art matters through what is known as platforms. The 2015 Platforms Project @ Art-Athina is to present 48 important platforms / art group actions from 15 countries with over 700 artists, making up a programme that attempts to offer viewers an insider’s look into visual creation, into the aspect of chemistry and collaboration in artistic practice, without focusing on sales. As in the two previous years, the art groups/platforms will have the opportunity to present an art project in a specific space -booth- so as to provide viewers with an experience of the way they work. 
EX-MÊKH is the name for the collaboration of visual artists Ellen Rodenberg, Maarten Schepers and Kees Koomen. These artists all have their individual professional practices as an artist but next to that they show their works in their mutual contexts and they try to develop a relation with the spaces in which exhibitions are held. 
LINK Platforms Project Art Athina  LINK EX-MÊKH

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