Saturday, October 12, 2024

Gordon Matta-Clark

@ Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach presents Gordon Matta-Clark, the first major solo exhibition of the renowned American artist in Belgium in over thirty years.

Gordon Matta-Clark was intensely political. When he sawed a house in half (Splitting, 1974), he was commenting on the dissolution of the American family. When he cut a hole through the floor of a Bronx tenement, he was calling attention to society’s failure to provide adequate housing. But the social commentary alone didn’t make him one of a small number of artists whose work has had a profound impact on architecture. (Others in that pantheon include Donald Judd and James Turrell.) That impact, which continues 40 years after Matta-Clark’s death, can be traced to his trademark approach to the built environment, in which walls, floors, and ceilings were not sacrosanct, but subjects of destructive investigation. Matta-Clark, the son of artists Roberto Matta and Anna Louise Clark, studied architecture at Cornell in the late 1960s, a period of dissolution, disillusionment, and protest. After graduating in 1968 he returned to his native New York City and began not to build but to respond to existing buildings. In the Bronx, Matta-Clark began sawing holes through the floors of tenements; the borough’s derelict housing was his raw material. The architect whose work bears the greatest resemblance to Matta-Clark may be Steven Holl, whose buildings often appear to be carved out, rather than constructed. Indeed, the removal of spherical volumes from a rectangular solid (the genesis of Holl’s experimental Ex of In House in Rhinebeck, New York) is a cousin of one of Matta-Clark’s most famous pieces, called Conical Intersect. Created for the Paris Biennial in 1975, it consisted of a cone hollowed out of two derelict 17th-century buildings near the site of the Pompidou Center. Rem Koolhaas, too, has Matta-Clark instincts. Chosen to build a student center alongside a Mies van der Rohe building in Chicago, Koolhaas exposed the foundation of Mies’s building, something the perfectionist Mies never intended to display, and showcased it behind a picture window. Matta-Clark died at 35. There is no telling what he would have achieved as an artist if he had lived. And there is no telling what he might have achieved as an architect, had he chosen to pursue that path. LINK Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Panayot Panayotov PANETO

Today Pani would have been eighty years old. Unfortunately, that was not to be. Fortunately, he lives on in our thoughts and hearts. His work can still be admired on the internet.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Dans Dans Revolutie

A theatrical installation based on the fictional novel by Lisa Weeda 
Created by Lisa Weeda and BrotherTill 
Seen in Bellevue theater Amsterdam

In de installatie Dans Dans Revolutie stap je in het fictieve land Besulia. Waar een eeuwenoude traditie van de bevolking om te dansen en zo het kwaad te verdrijven gloort. De jonge Vlogger Anna pakt haar telefoon erbij en roept de wereld op: dans met ons de svaboda samoverzjenja en stop het gevaar! In een wereld waar bijna iedereen met mobieltjes verbonden is toont zij het leven in het dorp, daar spreekt Anna. Samen met haar baba Yara, maakt ze Vlogs van de traditionele Notsjnik, beschermer tussen leven en dood. De volgers horen dat de vijand steeds dichterbij komt. Vaak is de verbinding slecht en zie je storingsgewijs andere beelden of niets. 

Via telefoons van de makers, (je eigen telefoon is in beslag genomen) verteld Anna over de mythologische Notsjnik. Vlak bij het dorp waar Anna en baba Yara Vloggen hoor je in de verte dreigende geluiden. De Notsjnik danst uit alle macht en als er verbinding is zie je het eens zo vrolijke gezicht van Anna veranderen. De klappen en onheil komen steeds dichterbij. Wij happen naar adem het gestommel is dreigend Anna Vlogt niet meer, baba Yara probeert nog de hulp van Notsjnik op het allerlaatste moment te roepen. Het kwaad oorlog heeft gewonnen. Dans Dans Revolutie is een modern sprookje met een harde werkelijkheid. Mogelijk gemaakt door mijn zus Marie als cadeau voor mijn verjaardag (70).
Ik ga nu het boek lezen. Dolf Pauw 

In the installation Dance Dance Revolution you step into the fictional country of Besulia. Where there is a centuries-old tradition of the population to dance and thus drive away evil. The young Vlogger Anna picks up her phone and calls on the world: dance the svaboda samoverzhenya with us and stop the danger! In a world where almost everyone is connected to mobile phones, she shows life in the village, that's where Anna speaks. Together with her baba Yara, she makes Vlogs of the traditional Nochnik, protector between life and death. The followers hear that the enemy is getting closer. Often the connection is poor and you see different images or nothing at all. Anna tells about the mythological Notchnik via the makers' phones (your own phone has been confiscated). Near the village where Anna and Baba Yara Vlog, you hear threatening sounds in the distance. The Notchnik dances with all his might and when there is a connection you see Anna's once cheerful face change. The blows and disaster are coming closer and closer. We gasp for breath, the stumbling is threatening. Anna no longer Vlogs, Baba Yara tries to call for Notchnik's help at the very last moment. The evil war has won. Dance Dance Revolution is a modern fairy tale with a harsh reality.
I'm going to read the book now. Dolf Pauw

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Panayot Panayotov Paneto

Sozopol sun in the evening, painting 2000

Panayot Panayotov Paneto regularly went to Sozopol. It was a favorite place for him. The Union of Bulgarian Artists (UBA) has a location there. The painting (see photo) was made in his studio in German in the year 2000. 
Sozopol is one of the oldest towns on Bulgarian Thrace's Black Sea coast. The first settlement on the site dates back to the Bronze Age. Undersea explorations in the region of the port reveal relics of dwellings, ceramic pottery, stone and bone tools from that era. Many anchors from the second and first millennium BC have been discovered in the town's bay, a proof of active shipping since ancient times. The town was founded in the 7th century BC by Greek colonists from Miletus as Antheia (Ancient Greek: Ἄνθεια). The town established itself as a trade and naval centre in the following centuries and became one of the largest and richest Greek colonies in the Black Sea region. Its trade influence in the Thracian territories was based on a treaty dating from the fifth century BC with the Odrysian kingdom, the most powerful Thracian state. Apollonia became a legendary trading rival of another Greek colony, Mesembria, today's Nessebar.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

BrotherTill and Lisa Weeda / Theater Bellevue

concept Lisa Weeda, BrotherTill
tekst Lisa Weeda
sound decor, scenografie BrotherTill
Theater Bellevue
, Wed 1 May - Sun 5 May

Dans Dans Revolutie In het fictieve land Besulia breekt oorlog uit. De eeuwenoude traditie om te dansen en zo de vijand buiten de deur te houden, lijkt niet meer te werken. De jonge Anna pakt haar telefoon erbij en deelt op social media video's vanuit haar dorp. Ze roept de wereld op: dans de svaboda samoverzjenja en red ons! In een wereld waar bijna iedereen met elkaar verbonden is en oorlogen en revoluties real-time gedocumenteerd en getoond worden, roept deze jonge bewoner van het kleine dorpje de internationale gemeenschap aan. Ze laat het dorp zien en maakt instructievideos, terwijl de vijand steeds dichterbij komt. Tot die voor de deur staat. Dans Dans Revolutie is een theatrale installatie. Via telefoons, televisieschermen en een voice-over ervaar je de gebeurtenissen in het dorp op (steeds iets minder) veilige afstand. Een indringende voorstelling in het hart van de huidige geschiedenis. "Als schrijver met een Oekraïense achtergrond, die al 10 jaar onderzoek doet, kunst maakt en verhalen schrijft over oorlog, ben ik gefascineerd geraakt door hoe 'wegkijken' werkt en vraag ik me af waar daadkrachtigheid en assertiviteit begint als het gaat over oorlog en wat je kan doen om aandacht te blijven vestigen op oorlogs- en conflictgebieden overal ter wereld." Lisa Weeda 

Dans Dans Revolutie War breaks out in the fictional country of Besulia. The age-old tradition of dancing to keep the enemy out no longer seems to work. Young Anna picks up her phone and shares videos from her village on social media. She calls on the world: dance the svaboda samoverzhenya and save us! In a world where almost everyone is connected and wars and revolutions are documented and shown in real time, this young resident of the small village calls on the international community. She shows the village and makes instructional videos, while the enemy is getting closer. Until it's at the door. Dance Dance Revolution is a theatrical installation. Through telephones, television screens and a voice-over you experience the events in the village at an (increasingly less) safe distance. A compelling performance at the heart of current history. "As a writer with a Ukrainian background, who has been doing research, making art and writing stories about war for 10 years, I have become fascinated by how 'looking away' works and I wonder where decisiveness and assertiveness begin when it comes to war and what you can do to continue to draw attention to war and conflict areas around the world." Lisa Weeda

Monday, January 22, 2024

Lisa Weeda

dans dans revolutie

Haar eerste roman uitgegeven door de De Bezige Bij in 2021 tijdens de Corona periode was een verrassing qua schrijfstijl. Het jaar erop toen de oorlog in Ukraine uitbrak werd de uitgave meegesleept door emoties van het lezende publiek. Het werd een bestseller. Lisa Weeda heeft dit altijd zeer betreurenswaardig gevonden! De kwaliteit, inhoud en de twee rode draden in haar boek had geen oorlog nodig. Maar het gebeurde. Nu drie jaar verder is die oorlog nog steeds gaande. Overigen was er al ruim 14 jaar oorlog in het oosten van Ukraine. Ik zie met spanning haar nieuwe roman dans dans revolutie tegemoet.
Zal deze zeker lezen en met spijt in mijn hart is die oorlog nog steeds gaande. 
Dolf Pauw

Her first novel published by De Bezige Bij in 2021 during the Corona period was a surprise in terms of writing style. The following year, when the war broke out in Ukraine, the publication was carried away by the emotions of the reading public. It became a bestseller. Lisa Weeda has always found this very regrettable! The quality, content and the two common threads in her book did not require a war. But it happened. Now three years later, that war is still going on. Moreover, there had been war in eastern Ukraine for more than 14 years. I am eagerly awaiting her new novel, Dance Dance Revolution. Will definitely read this and with regret in my heart that war is still going on. 
Dolf Pauw

Link alles over boeken Link alles over boeken

Info: in Dutch
Auteur: Lisa Weeda (Nederland, Oekraïne)
Soort boek; vertellingen
Uitgever: De Bezige Bij
Verschijnt: 6 februari 2024
Omvang: 128 pagina’s
Uitgave: paperback / ebook
Prijs: € 19,99 / € 9,99