Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Alexandra Nikolaewna Pauw-Temnikowa

@ I ♥ Dordt, Dordrechts Museum

I ♥ Dordt. Learn about nearly 400 artifacts that tell the story of our 800-year-old city here. This exhibition was made for and by people from Dordrecht. All objects have been brought in or presented by themselves. All stories have been told by themselves. Click on an item and you will see the corresponding story and who submitted it. Be surprised by beautiful, moving and fun anecdotes from Dordrecht. Via the menu on the right you can watch a short film about the realization of this exhibition. In the film, people from Dordrecht tell about their precious objects and their love for the city. And don't forget to come and see the exhibition in person, as soon as the museums are allowed to reopen. The exhibition can then be seen in the Dordrechts Museum until august 15 2021.

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