Friday, July 29, 2016

Speech @ Democratic Convention USA

By Khizr Khan (Full Speech) 
Source STA Network

One of the finest and most damning addresses of the Democratic National Convention was delivered on Thursday night by one of the event’s lowest profile speakers. Khizr Khan addressed the Philadelphia crowd to recount the story of his son Humayun Khan, a Muslim American soldier who was killed while serving in Iraq in 2004. Khizr Khan painted a portrait of heroism, patriotism, bravery, and sacrifice - one that stood in stark contrast to the invidious message Donald Trump has issued to describe American Muslims and the unconstitutional religious test he has offered to bar Muslim immigrants from entering this country. Quite simply, Khan put Donald Trump to shame. 
LINK Democratic Convention 2016-July 28

Friday, July 22, 2016

251.000 Pageviews after (plus) ten years

So ... the world and art lovers I would like to thank you for your attention to my Artblog. I will keep going, sometimes the messages are not about art. But thanks for your visit on my Artblog! 
Greetings Dolf Pauw  LINK

New York’s Oldest Museums: Where Are They Now?

Note: The analog picture is better than the digital picture.

On an international scale, New York City isn’t an especially old city, but in its history from the 17th century to today quite a lot has changed in its urban landscape. Old NYC, a project by software engineer Dan Vanderkam, launched last month with thousands of images from the New York Public Library (NYPL) mapped across the five boroughs. Based on the NYPL’s 80,000 image collection Photographic Views of New York City, 1870s–1970s, Old NYC centers heavily on the 1920s to ’40s, with photographs by Percy Loomis Sperr. Vanderkam previously created an Old SF interactive map of photographs from the San Francisco Public Library, and Old NYC, created in collaboration with the NYPL, was an 18-month passion project. The New York City photograph collection began in the 1920s, not long after the opening of the new central library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. The goal was to document the changing face of New York City, with a particular emphasis on new building construction, and on the structures torn down and replaced. The method is clear in this 1937 progress report by librarian Sylvester L. Vigilante on obtaining photographs: "The old Union League Building and site was taken care of and the erection of the new building is being covered.... Through the newspapers and tips from interested people, we get a line on demolitions, events and street changes." 
LINK The New York City library

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

No bombs or other things but Kunstgebouw Kookboek

2002 edition 
Collection dolfpauw 

Kunstgebouw makes visible what has and promotes what might be in the area of cultural education in England. From the Art Building | Academy, we help schools, communities and culture providers to increase their professionalism. With Look | Arts and Science | Art, we offer two complete primary schools and related arts programs. 
LINK Kunstgebouw Rijswijk (Site in Dutch)

Sunday, July 17, 2016


To give his nation a modern outlook, Atatürk introduced many reforms: European hats replaced the fez; women stopped wearing the veil; all citizens took surnames; and the Islamic calendar gave way to the Western calendar. A vast transformation took place in the urban and rural life. It can be said that few nations have ever experienced anything comparable to the social change in Atatürk's Turkey. Legal Transformation "We must liberate our concepts of justice, our laws and legal institutions from the bonds which hold a tight grip on us although they are incompatible with the needs of our century." Between 1926 and 1930, the Turkish Republic achieved a legal transformation which might have required decades in most other countries. Religious laws were abolished, and a secular system of jurisprudence introduced. The concepts, the texts and contexts of the laws were made harmonious with the progressive thrust of Atatürk's Turkey. " The nation", Atatürk said, " has placed its faith in the precept that all laws should be inspired by actual needs here on earth as a basic fact of national life." Among the far-reaching changes were the new Civil Code, Penal Code, and Business Law, based on the Swiss, Italian and German models respectively. The new legal system made all citizens - men and women, rich and poor - equal before the law. It gave Turkey a firm foundation for a society of justice and equal rights. Social Reforms "The major challenge facing us is to elevate our national life to the highest level of civilization and prosperity." Atatürk's aim was to modernize Turkish life in order to give his nation a new sense of dignity, equality, and happiness. After more than three centuries of high achievement, the Ottoman Empire had declined from the 17th to the early 20th Century: With Sultans presiding over a social and economic system mired in backwardness, the Ottoman state had become hopelessly outmoded for the modern times. Atatürk resolved to lead his country out of the crumbling past into a brave new future. In his program of modernization, secular government and education played a major role. Making religious faith a matter of individual conscience, he created a truly secular system in Turkey, where the vast Moslem majority and the small Christian and Jewish minorities are free to practice their faith. As a result of Atatürk's reforms, Turkey -unlike scores of other countries- has fully secular institutions. The leader of modern Turkey aspired to freedom and equality for all. When he proclaimed the Republic, he announced that " the new Turkish State is a state of the people and a state by the people." Having established a populist and egalitarian system, he later observed: "We are a nation without classes or special privilidges." He also stressed the paramount importance of the peasants, who had long been neglected in the Ottoman times: " The true owner and master of Turkey is the peasant who is the real 
producer." LINK Atatürk


Coup, (1) Study social media, (2) Recruit unwitting young soldiers, (3) Hide yourself and wait, (4) Call CNN and call on your phone your supporters to take to the streets, (5) Fly back greet your constituency and (6) Eliminate your enemies and rule of law. Failed coup. 
LINK independent

Priemgeval (Priem Case)

Photo 1: Unknown 
Photo 2: Rob Wolvenne

When you're 11, 
you're a prime number. 
I hate primes. 
"Priem Case" are not honest. 
You belong nowhere near, you can not move. 
Out of pity them stroke over your head, 
but that's not the intention. 
Because actually you are ... great. 
What you say you're eleven! 

Eight actors viewed their most charming pictures of when they were eleven. The age at which you're just not a child anymore, but still far from mature - between tablecloth and napkin. She tried to remember how they did back then, thought and dreamed. A youth who was still on all sides ... and went. LINK artemis (in Dutch)

Arthur Köpcke

“Insert words.” 
Photo: Arthur Köpcke

A 91-year-old woman has been questioned by police in Germany - after she filled in the blanks in a piece of modern art based on a crossword puzzle. The pensioner, who has not been named under German privacy law, was questioned under caution after she filled in the work valued at €80,000 with a biro. "Reading-work-piece", a 1977 work by Arthur Köpcke of the Fluxus movement, essentially looks like an empty crossword puzzle. Next to the work is a sign which reads: “Insert words”. The hapless pensioner explained to police that she was simply following the instructions. “The lady told us she had taken the notes as an invitation to complete the crossword,”. 
LINK Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)

Monday, July 11, 2016

Murphy's Laws

@ Easy Repro one week ago and more went wrong that day 
the PIN unit broke down, Photo dolf pauw

Murphy's Law ("If anything can go wrong, it will") was born at Edwards Air Force Base in 1949 at North Base. It was named after Capt. Edward A. Murphy, an engineer working on Air Force Project MX981, (a project) designed to see how much sudden deceleration a person can stand in a crash. One day, after finding that a transducer was wired wrong, he cursed the technician responsible and said, "If there is any way to do it wrong, he'll find it."The contractor's project manager kept a list of "laws" and added this one, which he called Murphy's Law. read more…  LINK murphys-laws

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Portrait Gallery of the Golden Age

@ Hermitage Amsterdam 
Photo: Evert Elzinga

Thirty enormous 17th century group portraits from the collections of the Amsterdam Museum and the Rijksmuseum have been brought together for the first time and will be on display in the Hermitage Amsterdam. These "brothers and sisters" of the Night Watch are unique in the world and rarely seen due to their size. They show us regents, archers and merchants from all different classes, backgrounds and religions, standing shoulder to shoulder like brothers. Together they illustrate the story of the collective citizenship that is so typical of the Netherlands. They serve as a reflection for us, because the relationship they had back then forms the basis for our modern-day standards and social interaction. LINK hermitage