Sunday, May 29, 2016

Platform Werkplaatsen

WPZimmer Antwerpen

Platform Werkplaatsen is a joint venture between Dutch and Flemish workshops and labs for artists and designers. Technical workshops lead the way in facilitating craft techniques for and by artists and designers. Workshops are consistently developing, reflecting the changes in daily art practice, thereby creating innovative applications of old and new techniques. Their function has also shifted, from knowledge centre to junction within knowledge networks. This has created unexpected connections between art, science, business and society. Platform Werkplaatsen makes this development visible and examines the position and significance of workshops by organizing symposia and meetings. Platform Werplaatsen is supported by AiR Platform NL, platform for artist in-residence programs in the Netherlands. Platform Werkplaatsen is committed to  Bringing visibility to the extensive range of technical facilities, knowledge and expertise in the Netherlands and Flanders.  Mutual cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experience.   Promoting the importance and significance of artistic workshops, in connection with art education, science, business, and social institutions. LINK platformwerkplaatsen LINK wpzimmer

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