Sunday, June 15, 2014

Frank van Hemert

@ Singer Laren

Frank van Hemert has choseting series that sometimes for years supplemented. New images arose the past few years including "Secret Survivors, last bedroom, Initiation, Mind of Tibet and Frauen that warten". Each painting is an image separately report findings of artistic and personal experiences compressed into one indivisible forms. 
The very own violent colors. Striking The colors evoke emotions, even physically present. Also, there are visible traces of how the paint on the canvas is put down, or it is thrown blotted and rubbed. The tracks also refer to the brush, the brush but fingers and hands in degrees of turbulence. The paint is also charged in numerous places with an erotic glow that adds to the pervasive presence of the paintings of 
Van Hemert. LINK singerlaren (site in Dutch)

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