Friday, September 27, 2019

Before I Exhibit a canvas in The Hague @ EX-MÊKH, watch this:

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg chastised world leaders Monday, Sep. 23, for failing younger generations by not taking sufficient steps to stop climate change. "You have stolen my childhood and my dreams with your empty words," Thunberg said at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York. "You're failing us, but young people are starting to understand your betrayal.
LINK Greta Thunberg's speech to world leaders

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Prof. Panayot Panayotov

@ the Georges Papazov Art Gallery in Yambol
dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Panayot Panayotov,

Изложба, посветена на 110 години от рождението на нашия земляк художника проф. Панайот Панайотов, бе открита вчера, 3 септември 2019 г. в Художествена галерия „Жорж Папазов“ в Ямбол. Тя се състои от около 70 непоказвани досега на публиката картини, притежание на синовете му проф. Панайот Панайотов-Пането и Михал Михалев, които също присъстваха на събитието. Почетното участие на галерия „Жорж Папазов“ е само с една творба – автопортрет на художника… 

The exhibition, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of our countryman, the artist Prof. Panayot Panayotov, was opened on September 3  2019 at the Georges Papazov Art Gallery in Yambol. It consists of around 70 paintings that have not been shown to the public so far, owned by his sons Prof. dr. Panayot Panayotov-Paneto and Mihal Mihalev, who also attended the event. With just one work, the honorable participation of Georges Papazov Gallery is a self-portrait of the artist… 

De tentoonstelling, gewijd aan de 110e verjaardag van de geboorte van onze landgenoot, de kunstenaar Prof. Panayot Panayotov, werd geopend op 3 september 2019 in de Georges Papazov Art Gallery in Yambol. Het bestaat uit ongeveer 70 schilderijen die tot nu toe niet aan het publiek zijn getoond, eigendom van zijn zonen Prof. Panayot Panayotov-Paneto en Mihal Mihalev, die ook het evenement bijwoonden. De eervolle deelname van Georges Papazov Gallery is met slechts één werk - een zelfportret van de kunstenaar… 

Read more: article written by Svetlana Chamova