Thursday, March 21, 2019

ROZSYPNE @ Passa Porta Festival Belgium


STUDIO ZZZAP is Hans van Arken Frank Bosma Nienke Huitenga Lisa Weeda Audio Mark Ijzerman STUDIO Moskou Voice actors and motion capture Marina Gulmomadova Margriet Teunissen Anastasiia Liubchenko Andrii Guselietov

literary non-fiction 

In 2016 Lisa Weeda took part in the deBuren writer’s residency in Paris, where she put Indexen voor verwijtbaarheid on paper. In this work, the Dutch-Ukrainian writer denounces the at-times lopsided, Western-oriented reporting surrounding the MH17 crash and the current situation in Eastern Ukraine. a story brought to life Looking to experience literature in a new way.
Studio ZZZAP accepted the challenge to convert Indexen voor verwijtbaarheid into virtual reality. The team moved in early 2018 to the countryside around Kiev, where it mapped out digitally the environment of local inhabitants. Studio ZZZAP enrolled the help of young Ukrainians who know the land inside out, carried out extensive background and visual research, and used material provided by Weeda’s relatives, who live in the war zone.

Preview date: 29-31st of March 2019, Passa Porta Festival BE

LINK trailer ROZSYPNE LINK Passa Porta