
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Emil and Dariel

Nothing Else Matters

Although in their early teens, brothers Emil and Dariel are making a name for themselves around the world as the youngest American cello virtuoso cross-over duo to be featured on a national stage. Their goal is to cross over multiple genres of music and implement their classical background in transcending inconceivable barriers known to a classical instrument. Emil and Dariel would like to continue the tradition of finding new and undiscovered techniques in playing the cello and taking it to new heights. 
LINK emil and dariel 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Model House sign

Post Bulgaria and Rotterdam

The "Model House" signs are not just an old memory of socialism, they are still a fact to this day. Today, they can still meet on the gates of houses or at the entrances of blocks and old buildings. This and this year Dolf took the initiative to officially return the distinguishing sign in his home, which would be a good motive for the neighbors to keep their home beautiful and tidy. Dolf initiated an Ideal Home and Label initiative.

LINK @ Doma Dolf

Monday, October 02, 2017